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In August 2022, Omri enlisted in the Paratroopers Brigade, Battalion 101. Omri graduated as a platoon commander in the Officer's Course, excelled in the course, and remained to command the next officers of Battalion 101 at the Bislach base. Omri believed in the army and the country, loved what he did, understood the importance of his role, and wanted to give his best. In his notebook from the Officer's Course, he wrote:

'The things that guide me are family, education, and history. People have fallen on this land so that we can live here in peace, and now it's our turn to contribute with all our might.'

On October 7, 2023, the "Haravot Barzel" War broke out, on the morning of Simchat Torah. Thousands of Hamas terrorists penetrated Israeli territory, innocent civilians were murdered at the 'Nofa' party held in the Ra'im area, kibbutzim and military bases were occupied, and residents were trapped in their homes. Omri completed his first command role as a platoon commander in the Officer's Course, closed the last battalion Sabbath on the course, and was deployed at 7 AM from the Bislach base to the Gaza periphery area.

A force of 101, including Omri's platoon, left in an armored bus as the first force to the area.

The road was littered with shot vehicles, casualties, and bodies lying on the road, and they began to grasp the magnitude of the horror.

The force received orders to reach Maon Junction, dismounted before the junction, spread out, and conducted searches to locate and neutralize the terrorists. Gunfire erupted, and grenades were thrown at them. They lay on the ground, returned accurate fire, and hit the terrorists. There were no casualties among our forces. They continued driving.

In the Urim area, police warned of terrorists at the junction. The force dismounted again, spread out, began searches, and identified a suspicious SUV at the Besor Stream bridge. They fired and hit the terrorists. They continued and climbed to an observation point from the bridge.

Omri heard whispers from the Wadi area and identified two terrorists in camouflage gear. He led the force, they fired and hit the first terrorist, and the second escaped. Omri's platoon was sent to cross the Wadi and pursue, finding and eliminating the second terrorist.

While crossing the Wadi, the unit covering from above identified a terrorist's car moving, alongside a civilian killed, and cries for help heard from the Gazan farm. The force eliminated the terrorist sitting next to the vehicle and released a captured French girl from Gaza.

The force received orders to head towards the final destination - Kibbutz Kisufim.

The 101 unit arrived on foot at the central junction inside the kibbutz and joined Battalion 51. The entry into the kibbutz was quiet and confusing; terrorists were fortified in the residents' homes, and the base was already occupied. The force spread from left to right and began conducting searches of disconnected houses to protect the residents.

The unit identified and neutralized terrorists inside the houses and located a Hamas Motorola communication device in the unit's Arabic-speaking soldier. The force divided into two teams, Zitoni with the platoon, together with Omri, and his platoon spread to the western axis, and Kna'an with the battalion commander, Shukron, from the east.

After three findings, grenades began to be thrown from the Kisufim base, the base fence was fired at, and fire was opened towards the force from the right to the axis. Omri and his platoon were in a grove between two buildings in the scanning direction and encountered enemies from the northern edges.

Zitoni, the platoon commander, was injured, Omri gave orders to the platoon, they lay down, returned fire, and fought at close range against 50 terrorists attempting to breach Kibbutz Kisufim.

Omri and his three soldiers, Regev Amar, Matan Malka, and Bar Yankelevich, stormed forward and halted the terrorists. All four fell in the battle.

The 101 unit continued to engage in gunfire against the terrorists and prevented them from entering Kibbutz Kisufim. Battalion commander Shukron ordered to continue firing to prevent their teammates from being captured or hurt.

The force remained there for hours until evacuation arrived.

Thanks to these brave soldiers and additional forces, many residents of Kibbutz Kisufim were saved.

A member of Kibbutz Kisufim recounts:

'We suffered heavy losses, but thanks to your son and other brave soldiers, we survived, we are alive, in a safe place. A day will come when we will find the strength to cope with the destruction, and then we will seek revenge. We will grow anew.'

The Kibbutz Security Coordinator writes:

'Your son Omri was a hero, and you can believe me - he will never be forgotten.'


הכניסה לכיסופים
עומרי וחייליו ממוקמים בשטח הקרב

Never Forget

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